Cooperative decision-making
—when consensus can't be found

Consensus decision-making has become a go-to method for groups wanting to decide cooperatively. However it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve the conditions for success when groups get bigger, more diverse or dynamic—even groups which have the conditions for consensus can fail to reach it. In the presentation Post-consensus, cooperative decision-making, I explore why modified score voting is cooperative and how it can be used to make decisions when consensus isn't possible. Ukuvota is an open-source web-app which implements all the features outlined in the presentation, developed by Wolfi.
—a home for purposeful project work(ers)

I co-founded Kanthaus to create a place for people to live and work together in a way that is social, ecological and economical. Together we are figuring out how to share a home and support each other reach our goals. Kanthaus doubles up lab for me to trial organizational innovations on willing subjects.
Common house constitution
—fundamental agreements for a common house
A common house is owned, used and maintained by the same group. Common houses are great—and come with their own set of challanges! I wrote a constitution for Kanthaus largely based on Elinor Ostrom's research into how commons succeed (or fail). A copy is now collectively developed by the Kanthaus members: Kanthaus Constitution.